Friday, May 19, 2006

Same Shit, Different Pile

Here we go again...more hypocritical whining from the Muslims.

The Saudi-based secretariat of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic
Conference (OIC) said in a statement it was committed to press freedom, but that
journalists should be deterred "from premeditatedly vilifying, defaming and
violating the rights of others."

It said the
caricatures had insulted "a faith embraced and revered by over one-fifth of the
world population, and a religion that advocates peace, tolerance and moral

Peace, tolerance and moral virtues, eh? Is that why you have protests that end in violence, honor killings, death sentences for apostasy, arrests of journalists for printing Mohammed cartoons (and people calling for their death), newspaper shutdowns, raped women being stoned, restrictions on other religions and women having no rights? Need I say more? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the splodeydopes (thanks to SondraK for that term) in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan.

Opening the event on Tuesday, OIC secretary-general Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
said Muslims and their religion had been increasingly stereotyped, defamed,
marginalized, discriminated against and targeted for "hate crimes" in the West
since 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks in Madrid and London.

Probably because of your "hate crimes" against the West and Israel. Doesn't do much good for your image when your people are celebrating in the streets after terrorist attacks or glorifying the aforementioned splodeydopes to the world via media outlets, now does it?

Ihsanoglu said the "terrifying stereotyping we suffer from in the first
decade of the 21st century ... is a phenomenon that reminds us of the horrible
experiences of the anti-Semitism of the 1930s."

It's hate the Jews, yet you compare yourselves to them. You admit there was anti-Semitism, but deny the Holocaust. You people need to get your shit in one sock.

Then there's this asshole:
Hamas supremo Khaled Meshaal has defended Palestinian suicide bombings as a
"natural right,"
"Our enemies ... don't understand that a suicide operation ... is
a natural right,"

Sure, you dumbfucks can kill yourselves all day long. But instead of strapping explosives around your waists and detonating yourselves on a bus full of children and old people, why not just go out on your back patio and eat the business end of a pistol? It's quick and just as effective.

"The United States want to impose their hegemony on countries of the region.
They don't offer relations that are balanced, of mutual interest and respect,"
Meshaal said.

At Camp David in 2000, Clinton pretty much offered the world on a silver platter to Arafat, shy of sucking his dick right there at the negotiating table. Arafat refused, so you can blame him for your problems. Now that I think about it, if Clinton would've offered to suck Arafat's dick, he probably would've accepted. From what I understand he had a little sugar in his gas tank. Amazing that he had to go to Fwantz ( a country that doesn't disclose cause of death) to be treated for his "mysterious illness" whose symptoms were so similar to AIDS that it's uncanny.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Boycott Cinco de Mayo

In response to the "A Day without Gringos" boycott on the annual communist celebration day of May 1st (May Day), I have elected to boycott Mexican goods and services for the month of May. Although I am considered a "gringo" by most Hispanics, and have even referred to myself as such, that does not change the high degree of offensiveness that I felt from the idea of such a thing. Especially coming from a group that, for the most part, shouldn't even be here.

So for the month of May I shall boycott any and all things Mexican. No produce, no beer, no going to Mexican restaurants or any places that I know willingly hire illegal aliens to work there.

And I'll be boycotting Stinko de Mayo as well. I really don't think we as Americans should celebrate a day where the Mexicans defeated the French (Battle of Puebla, 1862). Even though it was probably the last time the Mexicans defeated anybody. Fuck 'em.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Little Buddy

It's been a while since I've given an update on my boy. He's got his 2 bottom teeth now, and he's working on getting the top ones in. Amazingly enough, he's not been cranky or anything during the whole process. He just slobbers like hell and chews on everything he can get his hands on. He can sit by himself, but can't sit up by himself. He's starting to scoot backwards and he's trying to get his butt up in the air to crawl, but that will come soon. But I have to keep an eye on him, because he can roll. Fast. He'll cross a king-sized bed real quick. He's saying "dada", "mama", I've heard him say "agua" (we speak both languages to him), and "qua qua" (quack quack...he loves his rubber ducky).

Oh, and it looks like we're going to have to buy him some kind of tricycle type thing. The babysitter's grandson has one and he just loves to get up on it. That's about it for now.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Movin' On Up

Well, boys and girls...I'm going to be changing jobs real soon. I was offered a shot as a Senior Tech at a place where a former co-worker now works. I did the interview on the 19th, and things went pretty well. For me, it's a step up since I'll be increasing my yearly salary by over $10,000. With a mortgage payment coming up soon (our house will be finished sometime in May), and with my little boy getting bigger it'll be a big help.

I just hate to feel like I'm fucking anybody over, especially Sergeant Dan and Greg, who's over the security side of the shop. The both of them will probably get stuck with the day-to-day tasks that I normally do. So to make sure everything does go smoothly until the new guy gets here, I'm finishing up all the tasks and projects that I've been trying to accomplish for a while now. It just seems I don't have the time because every time I get started on one thing, someone needs something else and I get dragged off on their little pet project. Maybe time management isn't my strong suit, eh?

So I should be hearing very shortly from the HR Department of my new workplace. I've already heard from the shop supervisor telling me they submitted the package to their HR. So now it's a matter of negotiating my new salary. Anybody have some tips and/or suggestions?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mike, Where the Hell Have You Been?

It's a long story. Basically I spent a week in the hospital with a range of ailments, some of which they still haven't figured out yet. Diverticulitis, kidney stones, some sort of mystery infection that would cause my temperature to spike to 103 for no reason, and what they think might be mono, a.k.a. mononucleosis. I haven't known anyone with mono since I was in high school. And who the hell have I been sucking face with that I would get it? Uh...nobody. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that while I was in there they decided they might as well operate on an umbilical hernia that I've had for about 4 years or so.

After convalescing at home for a couple of days after my release, I decided it was time to go back to work. My wife wanted to kill me, but if I'm gone too long I get waaaayyy behind. And I can't afford to do that. Well, yesterday I had a follow-up with the surgeon and while I'm driving the 30 miles from my work to the doc's office, about halfway there I get this pain in my back like Andre the Giant has grabbed ahold of my kidney and starts to squeeze. That's right, kids...a kidney stone worked it's way loose and was trying to find its way out and was having alot of trouble hitting the hole I might add. And by the time I reached the doc's office if felt like Andre had an even better grip and was jabbing a knife from my kidneys all the way down through my nads. So they ended up having to wheel me from the doc's office to the ER. Which, luckily, are within the same building complex.

They say that passing a kidney stone for a guy is equivalent to childbirth. Oh really? Do I get a fuckin' epidural too? That might have helped some. It's got to be pretty bad when I'll admit there was pain, but when it's so bad it makes me puke, you know there's a pretty heavy amount of pain involved. When I was in the hospital the first time I was offered Morphine and then Percocet. I refused them both because I didn't want narcotics put into my body. But last night when they offered me a prescription for Vicodin, you know I jumped on that mofo. I took one last night and it didn't do shit really. This morning I started getting those pains again, so I popped 2. I've felt no pain the rest of the day.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Friday, March 10, 2006

Stick to the Subject

By now you've probably heard plenty about the loony leftist liberal loser teacher Jay Bennish and his little tirade comparing Bush to Hitler and condoning the attacks on the WTC. Well, I'm gonna get my $.02 in as well.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm all for free speech and dissent, no problem. However comma there is a time when your opinions should be stifled and that time comes when you're on the job. If someone else pays your salary, then you are entitled to absolutely nothing, save to STFU and do your job. Even more so when the taxpayers' dollar funds your paycheck.

Just for the record, Jay Bennish's comments were made while teaching a Geography class. Not Social Studies, not History, not Government and not Current Events. Geography. That means you teach the kids where stuff is located in the world, not your fucking opinion about how the country is run. Why not save that until after school? At least then you're not trying to indoctrinate today's youth with your communist attitude while the people who actually work pay your wages, asshole. No wonder these kids come out of high school dumber than dirt. You can't even teach the class you were charged with. And look at that photo...that's a pedo-smile* if I ever saw one.

My opinion...he should be fired. Same thing would happen to me if I started spouting off political rhetoric while I was on the job. If I was a parent of a child at this school, that would be a goal. If not possible (because you know the NEA and ACLU will probably be all over this like flies on shit...and of course on the wrong side of it too), pull your kid from the school. Or at the very least make damn sure your kid doesn't take any more classes with Mr. Moonbat. Ever.

*All thanks, hail and praises to Maddox for that one.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oh, Jeezus!!!

OK, I gotta admit it's funny as hell. But as a male member of the species...ouch, that's gotta hurt!!

Watch the video.

Thanks to SondraK for a good laugh.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Mohammed Cartoons

This time from D.T. Devareaux at The Study of Revenge. Take some time to scope out his blog. He's got some good ones. And fuck Google, and the pussies who complained that his site is "hateful". Can't take the truth? Quit bitchin' and make some changes to your religion and how it's perceived. That's it. Period. This, this and this don't help your cause much, by the way.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Old News

All right...I've heard quite enough about the Cheney Hunting Accident. I really don't care to hear any more. The Drudge Report has a story about Newsweek and Time covering the story for another week. The liberal types must be happier than a busload of retards on their way to Chucky Cheese.

Personally, I've heard quite enough about it. It's old news. Quit beating a dead horse. It was a hunting accident, plain and simple. Dick apologized. Harry's OK. Done deal.

Now in the spirit of making light of a serious situation, now that everyone's better, PotFry has an exclusive on the immediate aftermath of the accident. Warning: Drinking of beverages while reading this is not advised. Too funny.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Shari'a Law and Nuclear Weapons

You know, it's funny how these people can twist their "laws" to justify whatever their ambition of the day is. Check this out from MEMRI.

On February 16, 2006, the reformist Internet daily Rooz
( reported for the first time that extremist clerics from Qom
had issued what the daily called "a new fatwa," which states that "the shari'a
does not forbid the use of nuclear weapons."

Really? Wasn't Iran saying up until, oh about 5 minutes ago, that nuclear weapons were not allowed by Shari'a Law?

"The religious leadership of the Islamic Republic [of Iran], which has
until now regarded the use of nuclear weapons as opposed to the Shari'a, and has
repeated this point again and again, has so far kept silent about this. In spite
of the fact that, in the last few weeks, some of the senior [leaders] of the
Islamic Republic have tried to reduce the pressure [exerted by] the radical
[conservatives], the radicals nevertheless seem to have complete control over
the [political] arena.

How convenient that you can "re-interpret" your "religious laws" to suit your own desires. This statement further cements the fact that your religion and your politics are intertwined. Therefore, quit your bitchin' about caricatures of your "prophet"...he's just as good a target as Sharon, Bush, Jesus, or any other politician or historical figure. Seperate your religion and your politics and you may have a shot at convincing the world that the caricatures were not in the best of taste. Well, that and quit doing stupid shit like burning embassies of governments you don't agree with and stoning women for not wearing a headscarf.

Still want to convince me that yours is the "religion of peace"? Because it's getting harder and harder to see it as such.

Damn Straight

The image came from here, linked to by SondraK. Someone said the graphic originated here.

More Love from the Religion of Peace

It seems that Michelle Malkin has attracted the attention of the peace-loving Islamic radicals who have been sending her little "love notes". Here's some examples:

From: naser jianpour ( writemalkin@gmail.comMailed-By:
yahoo.comDate: Feb 10, 2006 12:04 PMSubject: we will kill you
I am Iranian I
am a mosleme .We will kill you( every )down with you( Crectian & jowe.)world
is mine.
From: monalisa monalisa (
writemalkin@gmail.comMailed-By: hotmail.comDate: Feb 4, 2006 5:55 PMSubject: you
are filth
the dishonourable the mean the prostitute I'am a müslim and turkish
I killyou devil you are goto the hell shit the whore
From: ( Mailed-By: web.deTo:
writemalkin@gmail.comDate: Feb 11, 2006 9:41 PMSubject: mohammed
you have one
day to delete all pictures of mohammed from your server, or i hack this site and
delete all files on this server. ok
mohammed have never a face. dou you
for ever islam

True to the form of Islamic radicals, they hide behind things like emails. This is because they are nothing more than cowards. So I'll give you yellow-bellied pieces of shit an offer that you surely couldn't refuse. I posted the Mohammed cartoons too. Why not threaten me? Hell, I'll give you pussies my address if you want to *try* to come kill me. One word of warning...I'm a Texan, which also means that I'm well-armed. So bring some friends and pack a lunch, 'cause it ain't gonna be easy to take me out.

So bring it on, losers. Come pick on someone who's equipped to handle your asshattery. After I kill you, I'll piss on your corpses, burn them, tie them to my bumper and drag them through the streets. Whatever pieces are left after my little joyride, I'll feed them to the hogs at my friend's farm. I hope Mohammed Atta and your "prophet" are side-by-side, being raped by pigs in Hell. That's the least that they deserve.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

You Kill, Burn and Loot...for Cartoons? Part III

You Kill, Burn and Loot...for Cartoons? Part Deux

Since I can't post more than 5 attachments per post there will be 3 total posts with all the cartoons.

You Kill, Burn and Loot...for Cartoons?

No wonder people view Arabs as nothing better than animals. Then again, animals aren't that base. At least animals have common sense. Yeah, I'm posting them too. Don't like it? I got two words for you. Fuck. You. So go on, keep chanting "Death to [insert country du jour here]", burning flags, ransacking businesses, threatening people's lives and boycotting products. Maybe when you fuckers have nothing left to eat but sand you'll finally turn on the radical imams (you know, the bastards who have hijacked, perverted and made a laughingstock of your religion, while treating you like mushrooms...keeping you in the dark, feeding you shit). But I doubt it. They'll probably say something like "it's the will of Allah that you suffer," and you'll soak it up like a sponge. Meanwhile, they're living high on the hog. Even the Arab news has written an article about how sad the Arabs have become. No wonder the world sees the Middle East as the producer of only two things: oil and suicide bombers.

Thanks to James Joyner for the cartoons.

Ilegales and Indocumentados

First off, I don't watch a whole lot of TV. On Fridays I watch Smackdown. I don't get to watch RAW on Mondays anymore because I'm a cheap bastard and refuse to pay for cable. I can pick up like 12 stations for free that have nothing on, why the hell am I gonna fork out $40-50/month for 50 channels that don't have a damn thing to watch either? Every once in a while my wife will turn on the news when her novelas (hispanic soap operas) are done. While this is the hispanic channel news, which tends to show a bit more of the graphic details but still has the lamestream media left slant to it, it almost never fails that they don't have a story relating to indocumentados (undocumented immigrants). Let's get one thing straight. They are NOT indocumentados. They are ilegales. Period. They entered this country illegally, and should be given the moniker that reflects their actions.

Being the kind of person that I am, I don't treat people like shit, regardless of immigration status, job, social standing, etc. I treat everyone as I wish to be treated. But if you come to this country illegally, you should be denied the rights that the citizens of this country are afforded.

  1. You can't vote. This means if you cannot produce a legal document stating that you were born here or are a naturalized citizen, you can have absolutely nothing to do with this country's elections.
  2. You can't get a driver's license. Same deal applies here. No citizenship, or no legal documentation that supports that you are here legally, no license.
  3. No social services. I personally cannot understand why anyone who is here illegally can have access to welfare or medicaid when it's almost friggin' impossible for the citizens of this country to receive any type of aid.
  4. No tuition assistance or breaks for not being a resident. This is just stupid. You're telling me that someone who is not even considered a resident can get a break on tuition, while the residents of that state can't?

Oh,'re such a racist. Bullshit. I'm a realist. If I were to go to any other country in this world, I'd be shit out of luck trying to get anything from those governments. And that's a fact, Jack. Anyhoo, how in the fuck can you call me a racist? My wife is Latina and we have a mixed race child. My family immigrated here in the 1800's from Ireland and Germany. My great-great-grandmother was Amerind. Obviously, it was good enough for my family to come here legally, but not so for the people nowadays? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. The real racists here are the White Power/Aryan Nation freaks and the people who talk about La Raza.

This brings me to another point. The multiple language signs? That's bullshit. English is the primary language of this country, and should be the official language. Can't read English? Too fuckin' bad. Learn. There's a plethora of classes available at your local learning institutions. I've even seen churches offer free classes for people who wish to learn English. This country was/is supposed to be a "melting pot". Not come here and stay in your own little world, not integrate with the rest of society, and try to turn it into the Third World shithole that you came running here from because it sucked so bad. Speak your own language at home or amongst yourselves...I have no problem with that. Hell, I do it myself. But don't expect anyone to feel sorry for you because you've been here 5 or 6 years and still can't speak the language. That's because you're fuckin' lazy.

The more I see and hear from the lamestream media about these subjects, the more I'm inclined to agree with Michael Savage:

Borders. Language. Culture.

And if you don't love this country and, when the time comes, are not willing to take up arms and defend it with your life, fortune and sacred honor as our forefathers were, THEN GET THE FUCK OUT. I will not allow some namby pamby pissant to sashay across the battlefield that I fight on saying "Give peace a chance. Can't we all just get along?" I'll be the first to bury a bullet in that sack of unused gray matter atop your neck. Dissent is one thing, and a privilege given to us and protected by those who gave their lives defending freedom in this country and abroad. We're allowed to dissent when we feel that our government does not represent our views. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with those who are more than content to roll over and wet on themselves in the name of political correctness or because they don't want to fight for the same rights for their children or for other human beings into which the people of this great nation were born or were nationalized. Everyone should be allowed the same freedoms as those of us in this country, no matter where in the world they live. Maybe then we wouldn't have to seal off our borders to stem the tide of illegals and those who wish to do this country harm.

NOTE: Linked with Beltway Traffic Jam for 2/15/06

WTF Is Wrong with You People?

What in the hell is the problem with the world today? Are people just getting stupider, or is it TV that's sucking the intelligence from their heads as they sit and stare at the idiot box for hours on end every night? Here's some fine examples of the world's latest dumbshits:

Fla. Dad Guilty Of Stomping 5-Year-Old To Death
My problem with this is threefold.
  1. Why in the fuck did Child Protective Services (DCF, DCFS, CPS, whatever) give this kid to his father when it was known that he was a coke dealer and known perpetrator of domestic violence?
  2. This dude stomped his own kid to death. Pretty fucking brutal.
  3. It took the jury two hours to deliberate whether or not he was guilty? I was surprised they didn't do a vote right there in the courtroom. Shouldn't have taken more than 15 minutes at the most.

'Choking Game' Continues To Attract, Kill Children

"I'm sure Kodee didn't know that what he did was going to kill him."

So you're admitting you raised a kid with no fuckin' sense? How much brains does it take to realize that doing something like that could kill you?

Grandparents Accused Of Leaving Toddler In Car Outside Bar

You leave a 2 year-old boy in your car, in the cold with no heat, to go drink? Yeah, I's Florida. It doesn't get that cold. But it does get cold enough that you shouldn't leave a kid in the car for any length of time. These people need to be dragged into the street and beaten severely. Just like the people who leave their kids in the car in the middle of summer. Obviously they're too stupid to be having kids, so they should have their kids taken away and be sterilized. These grandparents should never be allowed to even so much as hear this kid fart through a walkie-talkie for the remainder of their lives.

Documents: Teens 'Bum Hunting' Before Fatal Beating

Each and every one of these little bastards should get the chair. Did I just say that? Yup, sure did. By the time a child is 5 years old, he should know the difference between right and wrong. Regardless of the vitim's social standing, doing what these teens did is wrong. And why did they do it? To get into a "gang". What a bunch of pussies. I hope they do get the chair, that way the people who work hard and pay taxes don't have to support these miserable bastards for the rest of their lives.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I'm Utterly Disgusted

How shameless can a group of people be? I don't care who you are, when at a funeral you're there to pay respects to the dead and console the family in their time of loss. Not turn it into some kind of political circus for your own gain. This applies to're not granted any social immunity just because you hold a title or political office. I have never seen such political backbiting and pandering at what should be a solemn event, just for the sake of "securing the Black vote". And I'm speaking directly to you:
Rev. Joseph Lowery
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Jimmah "The Worst President of the 20th Century" Carter

I'm about to lay a fisking on some folks, so hold onto your tinfoil hats and your glasses of Kool-Aid, kids.
"We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there," Lowery said.
No shit, Sherlock? Did it take the President admitting that in front of the whole world a few weeks ago, or did you have to hire a group of talking monkeys from dailykos to tell you that?
"But Coretta knew, and we know," Lowery continued,
"That there are weapons of misdirection right down here," he said,
nodding his head toward the row of presidents past and present.
Yup. Namely, Jimmah, Bill and Hillary. Oh, wait. Weren't the Race Warlord Poverty Pimps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson there? Yup. Them too. A big part of the problem with Black America is the leaders of the Democratic party and the so-called "black leaders" like Al and Jesse. The last real leaders were Dr. King and Malcolm X...ever since then all they've had is a bunch of substitute teachers. If anybody were running anything like a "plantation", it would be these two groups. How about instead of laying all the blame for your woes on the rich old white men running the Republican party, you do some looking at the rich old white men running the Democratic party and do a comparison. Just to make things fair.
"For war, billions more, but no more for the poor!"
Hmmm, haven't the poor received enough already? We've pumped trillions of dollars into the War on Poverty and the situation has only become worse. Proof yet again that throwing money at a problem will not fix it, but create a dependency that every year requires more and more funding. Maybe instead of giving this money away, we should invest it in giving these people training and job skills. Oops, yeah, that's the last thing they have to work instead of standing around with their hand out.

Bill and Hillary:
"I'm honoured to be here with my president and my former
presidents and ...," he trailed off, motioning in his wife's direction to loud
and sustained applause.

God help this country if that beast should ever be elected as President. This country would be making a swirlie around the bowl in no time as she plunged it into the quagmire of socialism.

From Jimmah:
"It was difficult for them then personally with the civil
liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret
government wiretaps
Wait a sec. Wasn't that done under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations at the direction of Attorney General Robert Kennedy? Weren't they all Democrats? 'Nuff said.
And lastly, more from Jimmah:
"This commerative cermony this morning, this afternoon,
is not only to acknowledge the great contributions of Coretta and Martin, but to
remind us that the struggle for equal rights is not over. We only have to recall
the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi
And let's not forget that there's not only black people living in those states, and not just black people suffered from those disasters. Even though the lamestream media as they portrayed it would have you believe otherwise.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Buy Danish

Let's show solidarity with our European friends and buy products from them in light of the boycotts of their products in the World's Armpit (a.k.a. the Middle East). Here's a list of companies and products:

- Danish Havarti cheese
- Carlsberg Beer
- Tuborg Beer
- Arla owns White Clover Dairy, a Wisconsin company that packages under the names White Clover and Holland Farm
- Danish Crown (DAK) products - Hams and baby back ribs sold at Sam's Club
- The Danish Foodshop
- Danish Deli Foods
- Danish Porcelain
- Lego. Come on, what kid doesn't like Legos? Get your kid some!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Could Somebody Kill This Assclown Already?

Just so you know, I'm all for differences in opinions. If yours differs from mine, great. Present the arguments you have in a coherent form and we'll discuss them. However, I have a problem with people who, for whatever reason, distort or discount documented facts for their own political/religious gain. This goatfucking sack of pigshit is one.

Over the course of the last couple of months we've heard such wisdom come spewing forth from his suckmuscle such as:
"[Israel] must be wiped off the map."
"The Holocaust is a myth."
"The 'tumour' of the state of Israel should be relocated to Europe."
"Germany and Austria can provide the... regime with two or three provinces for this regime to establish itself, and the issue will be resolved."
"We are not allowed to negotiate on the principle of having peaceful nuclear technology."

First off, I don't think you crazy fuckers should be allowed nuclear weapons, given your propensity to blow shit up first and ask questions later. Secondly, Jews have been in that region for around 3,000 years, and they deserve to remain in the same lands that their ancestors dwelled in. From the
Israel has advanced a coherent case, based upon the precepts of international law, for sovereignty over Jerusalem. The Palestinians, for their part, have failed to offer any legal grounds in support of their claim to the city. Their claim seems to be based solely on their desire to possess it.
Before the advent of Islam, the Jews and Arabs lived together in the region in peace, fighting the Romans and the Christians who invaded the area. The only reason that Arabs hate the Jews is due to the perversion of Islam by the corrupt Imams that wish to rule the world under a caliphate with an iron fist. They even go so far as to divide the world into two houses, the "house of peace" and the "house of war". The house of peace is the rule of Islam under Sharia law, where the kaffir's (non-believer) fate is death, enslavement or exile.

Now, his new interest is debunking the "myth" of the Holocaust, and Iran will host a convention for the "scientific examination" of the wholesale slaughter of Jews during World War II. I'm sure there will plenty of Anti-Jewish rhetoric to be flying around, considering the mindset of the "scholars" that will be in attendance. Likely those who already deny the Holocaust. Tell you what...why don't you hateful bastards invite some of the WWII veterans who liberated Aushwitz, Buchenwald and the rest, and have them give their detailed accounts of the atrocious conditions and the horrors that they encountered? Or why not invite some of the Holocaust survivors to speak? Or would that not be conducive to furthering your agenda for the eradication of Israel? Did you know the UN also had a hand in the creation of Israel?
"The Holocaust denial by the regime in Iran is not only offensive and racist but it also demonstrates the mindset of the extremist regime in Tehran. The combination of an extremist ideology, a distorted view of reality together with nuclear weapons is a combination that should concern every thinking individual."-- Mark Regev, Spokesman of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"Iran is proving yet again what an extreme, fundamentalist, lunatic regime it is," -- Dan Gillerman, Israel's Ambassador to the UN.

Oh, and let's not forget when buttboy addressed the UN. Oh, now this is rich. So he's not just an asshole, but a total religious loony too. This just lumped you in with the likes of Pat Robertson, you Qu'ran thumping dipshit. Everybody was staring at you because they couldn't believe what a chode you really are. You just showed your true colors, dickweed. Now we know...and knowing is half the battle. This nutsack shouldn't have his finger on the fuckin' button. He seriously thinks he's the catalyst to bring about Judgement Day, the Second Coming, or whatever you want to call it.

Finally, we have this from Daniel Pipes. "The most dangerous leaders in modern history are those (such as Hitler) equipped with a totalitarian ideology and a mystical belief in their own mission. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fulfills both these criteria, as revealed by his U.N. comments. That combined with his expected nuclear arsenal make him an adversary who must be stopped, and urgently."

Monday, January 09, 2006


So it seems we have reached a compromise. Of sorts, anyway. Now it seems, we'll be working a rotating shift, half on a 5/8 schedule and half on a 4/10, swapping every week. Ok...

Still won't stop me from doing some looking around and keeping my options open. I already contacted my old boss. I can go back there and do less work for more pay plus a company vehicle. I also have a buddy who works for the railroad. They always need people, plus the pay is pretty steep. I probably would no longer be working as a radioman there, but if the pay is right...who cares? I'm such a whore. I'll sell my soul to the highest bidder, I'll make no bones about that.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006