Thursday, February 16, 2006

Shari'a Law and Nuclear Weapons

You know, it's funny how these people can twist their "laws" to justify whatever their ambition of the day is. Check this out from MEMRI.

On February 16, 2006, the reformist Internet daily Rooz
( reported for the first time that extremist clerics from Qom
had issued what the daily called "a new fatwa," which states that "the shari'a
does not forbid the use of nuclear weapons."

Really? Wasn't Iran saying up until, oh about 5 minutes ago, that nuclear weapons were not allowed by Shari'a Law?

"The religious leadership of the Islamic Republic [of Iran], which has
until now regarded the use of nuclear weapons as opposed to the Shari'a, and has
repeated this point again and again, has so far kept silent about this. In spite
of the fact that, in the last few weeks, some of the senior [leaders] of the
Islamic Republic have tried to reduce the pressure [exerted by] the radical
[conservatives], the radicals nevertheless seem to have complete control over
the [political] arena.

How convenient that you can "re-interpret" your "religious laws" to suit your own desires. This statement further cements the fact that your religion and your politics are intertwined. Therefore, quit your bitchin' about caricatures of your "prophet"...he's just as good a target as Sharon, Bush, Jesus, or any other politician or historical figure. Seperate your religion and your politics and you may have a shot at convincing the world that the caricatures were not in the best of taste. Well, that and quit doing stupid shit like burning embassies of governments you don't agree with and stoning women for not wearing a headscarf.

Still want to convince me that yours is the "religion of peace"? Because it's getting harder and harder to see it as such.

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