Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Together We Served

As we remember our comrades-in-arms, should you ever wish to contact any of them you may find some of them at this site. Just depends on if they know about it as well.

BTW, this site covers all branches, not just the Navy. I only posted this pic cuz I'm kinda "biased". Good luck!

Happy Veterans Day

USS Antietam CG-54

To all my fellow veterans, Happy Veterans Day. Today we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country and the ideals that it was founded upon. We also remember those who served their country in the past and those currently serving. To them, a heart-felt thanks for your service goes out to you from a fellow veteran.

For those of you who have never served in the military, you can still act in some capacity in service to your country by simply thanking a veteran. Just let them know that you appreciate them. Even if you don't agree with the war. Remember, these people have to follow orders, like it or not. I didn't particularly agree with Clinton when I served under his administration, but I did what I was told nonetheless. Because I believe in my country, no matter who is at the helm.

As an aside, I was checking the website of my old ship, pictured above. The CO is now Capt. John Uhl (pronounced like you'll). He was Ops (Operations Officer) when I was onboard, it's nice to see he's returned to take the conn.

Fair winds and following seas to you, Capt. Uhl, and to the crew of the mighty Antietam. Go Navy!!

former FC2 Mike, USN

Monday, October 27, 2008

Voting Early

I went and cast my ballot today. Figured I'd beat the rush on the 4th. I gotta say, first of all, to those of you who have voted and to those who will...Thank you. Seriously. Actually I should correct that. It should read legally voted. One American, one vote. To you assholes out there who vote 3 or 4 times, or to those who should not vote because you're not an American citizen. Fuck. You. I hope every last one of you motherfuckers die in a most horrible manner, suffering for hours before you finally expire.

But to my fellow Americans to whom voting is a most sacred right, Thank You. I don't care if you're Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, etc. I may think some of you are misguided for voting straight ticket, mainly because that may not be what's best for the whole of the country. As the Democrats skew farther and farther into the left (the red zone, if you will), I believe they are definitely not the ones who should have the conn. Republicans seem to have more (but not all) of the best interests of the country at heart, however, even some of McCain's ideas didn't sit well with me due to the fact that they seemed rather socialist as well. For those of you wondering, I'm not registered with any political party.

One thing happened, though, that didn't sit well with me. One gentleman, after exercising his right, came walking out as I was standing in line. He passed a small TV that was playing a recorded message in Vietnamese, explaining the voting process (I guess). He said, "It should all be in English. It's in the Bill of Rights." The lady in front of me gave me a look as if to say, "WTF?" I just just kind of smiled and shook my head.

I'm going to go about this backwards. Let's look at the second part of that sentence. It is NOT in the Bill of Rights, bubba. The first ten amendments are commonly referred to as the Bill of Rights. Let's do a quick review:

Amendment I. - Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the press, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom to petition the government.
Amendment II. - Right to keep and bear arms.
Amendment III. - No quartering of soldiers, in times of peace or war, without consent of the homeowner.
Amendment IV. - Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
Amendment V. - Freedom from self-incrimination and double jeopardy. Right to due process. Eminent domain.
Amendment VI. - Trial by jury and rights of the accused.
Amendment VII. - Civil trial by jury.
Amendment VIII. - No excessive bail/fines; no cruel and unusual punishments.
Amendment IX. - Protection of rights not enumerated in the Bill of Rights.
Amendment X. - Powers of states and people.

Maybe I can't read all that good, cuz I was raised and schooled in Smalltown, IL, but I didn't see anything in there at all about voting being strictly in English. Which brings me back to the first part.

I think there should be. Yup, I said it. English should be made the official language of the United States. Especially voting. Think about it. If you've made it this far and are a naturalized citizen, having taken an oath in English to "support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic", then your proficiency in the language should be good enough that you can vote in English. Same thing with the driver's tests. Jeezus Criminy, our fucking road signs aren't in any other language...hello?

Before some assclown calls me a racist, let me say that we are a multicultural society. The Great Melting Pot. And that should be celebrated. And I'm not saying that you should abandon your native language. Because then I would be a hypocrite. My wife and I speak Spanish at home most of the time. However, she doesn't expect to be pandered to just because English is not her first language. Conversely, I don't expect people to pander to me when I'm in Colombia, simply because my first language isn't Spanish. I'd be pretty much assed out if I did. And to those assholes who only print signs in English and Spanish, let me ask you this: What about those who speak Chinese, Farsi, Afrikaans, Portuguese, French, Swedish? Should they suffer because you're insensitive pricks, or are you going to print signs with these languages also and stop discriminating against these people and those who speak other languages? I think you'll find it very costly to do so, so think about the amount of taxpayer dollars spent that could be saved had our government not had to print the same document in 100 different languages.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I may have been wrong...but I'm probably right

In an earlier post, I mentioned that the first thing that Obama and his ilk would do after stealing committing egregious voter fraud being selected being elected as POTUS would be to attempt to remove our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. I may be right, since it seems he's already trying to stifle our First Amendment rights as he gears up to take over the world the Presidency.

In a Gestapo-esque show of abuse of power and authoritah and true to his socialist ideologies, somebody sent out their Thought Police after a fellow Texan. After receiving a call from an Obama campaign worker (on her cell phone while she's coming back from taking her child to the ER), she tells the Obamabot exactly what she thinks of That One. The following day, two Secret Service agents showed up on her doorstep and proceeded to question her:

"I thought initially they were there because I called the man a socialist, because that's what I said. And I thought, wow, I'm calling the Sheriff's Office and they're going to leave my porch, like, immediately. Because I can call somebody a socialist if I want to."

Yes, you can. See the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights for clarification if you need. You can also look at Obama's plans for this country and tell that he is indeed, a socialist. And his voting record doesn't lie, either.

"The woman (agent) says, 'Oh really, why would she say that? (That this lady's comment was about Obama dying.) Why would she make that up? What would she have to gain?' And I said well, maybe she wasn't happy with my opinion of her candidate and the woman tells me, 'That's right, you were rude.'"

Since when did being rude become a crime in this country? Did I hurt your feelings? Then I'll apologize. I'm sorry that you're a thin-skinned pussy who can't take criticism, and have to resort to making false accusations against somebody who holds a different opinion than you.

"And at this point, the gentleman, y'know who is I think kind of playing the good cop, gets out his pad and he says 'Well just, y'know, just tell us a little bit about what you think about Barack Obama.' I said, oh no, I don't think so. You are not going to question me about my thoughts."

Honey, you've been marked. You've won an all-expenses paid vacation to Chateau Obama, the newest, state-of-the-art re-education camp in the country. You'll be leaving to go on that vacation just as soon as he's sworn in. Don't worry about packing any bags, in keeping with socialist traditions, everything will be provided for you. You'll receive scrubs, slippers and a nice little canvas "I Love Me" jacket that fastens up the back. Don't get uppity, though, or Ivan the Orderly will have to administer Thorazine and electro-shock therapy to you on a regular basis.

"Then I noticed that they had like a file on me."

With her name "prominently displayed on it". Amazing. In less than 24 hours, they have a complete profile of this gal, probably complete with every time she may have jaywalked in her life, yet the government can't seem to find 20 million illegals living in this country. Or they just don't want to fuck up Obama's voter base, since they know amnesty's a-comin'. It's fucking amazing as well that you don't need to show proof of citizenship in Illinois to register to vote when you go down to the DMV to get your license/ID card. When we first moved back to IL in '02, my wife couldn't speak but very few words in English. The lady behind the counter asked if she wanted to register to vote. Luckily, I was standing there when my wife asked me, "Should I?" Umm...no, you're not a citizen. You can't. Seriously, why do these people not check something as simple as immigration status to get a fucking license or ID card? Or how 'bout most important registering to fucking vote.

"At this point, I said well, wait a minute. What about the tape? Y'know, it all happened so fast. I said, haven't you listened to the tape of the call? I mean, listen to it. You'll know that I didn't say what this woman is claiming. 'Well, there is no tape.'"

No tape? Hmmm...well, looks like you just bought your own ticket aboard the "Get-the-fuck-off-my-property Express". Else you'll be taking the bullet train to Dirtnap Junction. And don't come back without a warrant.

"And they also told me, at one point when I was being 'uncooperative', the good cop, agent tried to say, 'Look, y'know, we're trying to help you out. Y'know we came to you first, right? We didn't go to all your neighbors and your family and ask embarrassing questions about you yet."

You're lucky. Because with abso-fucking-lutely zip-point-shit worth of evidence, you're opening yourself up for a lawsuit. Though I think the icing on the cake was this quote:

"With nothing but the partisan word of an Obama volunteer, you are on my porch and you are questioning me about my thoughts? And the female actually had the gall to say, 'You have no evidence that she supports Obama.'"

I guess you don't need a real high IQ to be a Secret Service agent, huh? She works for the Obama volunteers of Texarkana, fer chrissakes. Must be Affirmative Action at work. It's good to know y'all hire the retards. Keeps 'em off the street...and away from my place, heh heh.

And another thing: This chick(Jessica Hughes) is chomping at the bit to sue that dumb bitch that started all this shit. However comma no one is willing to give up her name even though I'm sure everyone in the Obama camp down to the agents know who she is. I'm not a lawyer or anything, but doesn't that constitute obstruction of justice? Good to know that there's "Hope" for "Change" in the new regime. It'll be even more corrupt than any other, yet it'll be blatantly obvious about it, not sneaking around like Chimpy McHalliburton BushHitler and his cronies, right? And there won't be much "change" in your pockets either, when they're through taxing the living dogshit out of me and you to support a buncha fuckin' no-loads. And don't challenge them, lest you too be sent off for "vacation".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Wow. Just wow. The stupidity of some people just never ceases to amaze me. This seems to be the new cry of "Wolf" in the new millenium. If anybody disagrees with anyone else's opinion, they are just raaaacist.

The "socialist" label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential
running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has
long and very ugly historical roots.

So do these other famous socialists:
Vladimir Lenin
Joseph Stalin
Karl Marx
Frederich Engels
Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party (a.k.a. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or German National Socialist Workers Party)
Fidel Castro
Ernesto "Ché" Guevara
Evo Morales
Hugo Chavez

McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for
black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not
be trusted during the communism scare.

Wait a minute...none of the people I mentioned above were black. And why did I list Fidel and Ché in with that bunch? You just think of them as just plain old Commies? Well, Karl Marx said that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism and communism in the Communist Manifesto.

And let's not forget the socialists within our midst:
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Bill & Hillary Clinton
Barney Frank

Hey, they're not black either. Barney Frank has shown that he's on board with the Democrat socialist bandwagon. I say that if Obama does get elected and imposes a higher tax rate for those "evil rich people", he should lower the bar some. Let's start at about $169,000. This way our Congresscritters like Pelosi, Reid, Clinton and Frank can all do their, in Joe Biden's words, "patriotic" duty by sharing more of the tax burden. And let's get rid of all the little tax shelters that are in place that these asshats use to avoid paying their "fair share" of the tax burden. Let's also tax them on all "contributions" made to their campaigns. That's income. After all, I had to pay taxes when I sold my house and took a loss, because it was seen as "income"...even though I never saw a fuckin' dime! Maybe then assholes like Barney Frank wouldn't be so hot and hard to punch the bore of the working-class man who is trying to improve the quality of life for himself and his family by working hard to make more money. But then again, I'm sure they'd find some way to weasel out of paying taxes. They're lawyers. That's what they do.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Looking through my old posts, I noticed I haven't posted any pics of my little man. He's getting so big. We're now on the trailing edge of potty training, he's doing it almost totally on his own now. Thought I'd post some pics from around his 3rd birthday. The pics from the beach were taken down in Galveston on Labor Day weekend, just before Ike came through and turned the island and surrounding areas into a soup sammich.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sharing the Wealth

For those who don't know me, I don't find myself left real warm & fuzzy about the upcoming election. It could be the lack of choices. Let's see...we have a socialist rat bastard commie Democrat on one side and a RINO Republican on the other. Neither one would get my vote if there was any other viable candidate on the ticket.

But now we've got one of them showing their true colors even before the election has officially begun. And that color, my friends, is RED. A true socialist, talking about redistribution of wealth, trying to make it sound like it's what's best for the country. So you're going to hand out MORE "entitlements"? A proven foible of socialism and communism, is that when you take from the producer and give it to the non-producer, it diminishes the desire of the producer to keep producing. In the end, the producer gives up and says, "Fuck it...I get the same no matter what, so I might as well be a lazy fuck too!" So you're planning to not only raise the taxes on the "rich"(who pay an assload of taxes already), but you'll also be raising the taxes on the "middle class" in order to make sure that the lazy, shiftless assholes who don't wanna work don't have to get off their asses and find a job?

Don't get me wrong. I believe in the Social Security and Medicare programs. The people who are eligible for these benefits should receive them. After all, the majority of the people who receive them have worked all their lives and paid for it. Even the housewives who stayed at home while hubby was at work. They've paid their dues too. What I don't agree with is Medicaid. There needs to be some major review and reform in this department. If a family is truly poor, but at least trying to make it, then I can see them receiving this help. Notice I didn't say "entitlement". Remember, kiddies, welfare was supposed to be "a hand up, not a hand-out".

All of the illegals receiving benefits from social programs...sorry, you've been cut off. Oh, and a team of ICE agents is on their way to pick you up. Don't these programs have something called eligibility requirements? How's about making a fucking greencard a requirement? Or how about if you don't have a bona fide medical condition that prevents you from working, go out and get a motherfuckin' job and be a productive member of society like the rest of us. And I know the fed doesn't run all of the social programs. Some of those are run by the state, and are administered by the fed (like the Food Stamp program). Don't let me get started talking about SCHIP. Basically if you're like that asshole in Maryland that had too many kids and was bitching about how much it'll cost him to insure all of them...well, maybe you should've had less kids.

Back in the day, people had a whole bunch of kids mainly because they were farmers and the kids would help them work the land. My maternal grandfather was one of 13. They didn't latch onto the gummint tit because they couldn't afford if one of their kids got sick. They worked harder, paid it off and didn't whine about it. This is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. I don't see anything in there about a government that caters to the people because they're stupid and irresponsible.

And just when you didn't think it could get any worse...it does. Apparently our Congresscritters have realized the error of their ways in the War on Poverty here in the States and want to ramp it up to a global level. Obviously, they still think that the way to fix a problem is to throw money at it. Just great. How much more are my taxes going to go up, assholes? Here's a summary of what it's going to do and cost us.

He's going to turn the whole country into another Chicago. I fucking HATE Chicago. I heard him speak about Chicago in one of his stump speeches. Chicago is a shithole, you fuckin' liar. Not to mention, outside of your pointy-headed little view (just like your buddy Rod Blagojevich), Chicago is not the whole fucking state of Illinois, you dickweed. I grew up in Smalltown, Illinois. Chicago takes up about 10% of the state when you include all of "Chicagoland". What about the rest of the state?

Aww, fuck him. Much to my chagrin, he'll probably get elected. By hook or by crook, I'm sure. There'll be plenty of rat bastard commies Democrats that'll vote early and vote often, just like they do in Chicago. Then the socialism will really start to rear it's ugly head. I forsee a revolution in this country should that happen. Because one of the first thing he'll want to do is strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights. Then the "gun totin'", "bitter" people who "cling to religion" will go Red Dawn on your ass. And there are alot of them. I may not cling to religion, but I damn sure have guns. And the only way you and your little Obama Youth will take them from me is to pry them from my cold, dead fingers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An excerpt from Reuters about the beach sex trial in Dubai:

If the law changed to suit Westerners, said one Emirati woman, it would be
her who lost her freedom. She already forbids her daughters from going to
Dubai's malls and hotels.
"It is up to the person who comes here to be
informed," said the woman, who like most declined to be named on a topic which
they feel is too sensitive to discuss in public.
"If there is an open trading
system which draws people from all over the world, it is not fair to ask why
they are not free. You have to follow the rules of wherever in the world you

I can't help but be in total agreement with this lady. Wanna know why? This statement right here:

"If there is an open trading system which draws people from all over the
world, it is not fair to ask why they are not free. You have to follow the rules
of wherever in the world you go."

So if this applies to Muslim nations, why wouldn't this same rule apply to all nations? Why do you have immigrants coming into, I dunno, say the UK and asking to have their own laws and courts? Same thing goes for the Jewish "arbitration" courts in the UK. If you cannot abide by the laws of the country that you live in, then maybe you should pack sand back to the 3rd world Shitholestan you came from.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Amen, brother!!!

Denny wrote a helluva post regarding Barack Obama's "SUV" speech. Where Obama basically tells us as Americans what we can and can't do. You know what? Fuck. You. Obama.

Who the fuck do you think you are?! And, god forbid, if you do get elected, will our government actually become the "Nanny State" that you socialists Democrats have dreamed of? Who are you to tell the population of the most powerful and productive country in the world that they can or cannot do something? We pay farmers to NOT produce food fer chrissakes!! Although the trend seems to show that many manufacturers are outsourcing jobs to other countries, many products are still made only in the USA. We have 3% of the world's population and use 25% of its energy? Good!! More than likely it's because we're producing something worthwhile, not like the crap they've been cranking out of China...chock full of lead and made using slave labor. Who would we be saving this energy for anyway? Just for the record, my thermostat doesn't stay on 72 degrees. It stays pretty constant around 75 +/- 2 degrees, depending on how hot/cold I feel.

And if you want to bitch about oil consumption and cost, well, you can shift the blame for that clusterfuck on your Dhimmi-cratic elected officials, since they have rejected ideas for reducing our dependence on foreign oil by drilling in ANWR and off the coasts, and for not allowing any more refineries or nuclear plants to be built. Instead they want to increase the taxes on the folks who refine the oil. Now, I didn't do so hot in Economics class in high school, but businesses aren't in business to give away profits in the form of taxes, so they're going to tack on extra "surcharges" into their prices. And who is going to have to pay that? Oh, yeah...you and me, kids. They might as well pass out condoms at the gas station. Hell the way it's going politically in this country, they may as well give you a condom when you hit the voting booth. 'Cause we're going to be getting a royal fucking either way we go.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ups and Downs

The average person who happens upon this blog would probably see some of my posts and say, "Mike, you're so negative. All you do is rant and rave about everything." Not true. There are many positive things in my life, but I prefer to vent about stupidity vice talking about things that involve my feelings.

The last couple of years have had their ups and downs. I missed out on buying a house due to my credit being as fucked up as a soup sammich. But that seems to have been a blessing in disguise. With my wife finding a job near where I work, we decided it would be better to move a bit closer to work instead of staying out on the west side, which makes for a helluva commute. I'm glad we didn't get that house, since we'd be stuck out there for 4 more years before we could sell it and try to get out of it what we owe. And the housing market is making a swirlie around the toilet bowl, so we'd have probably ended up getting screwed on that deal. Houston's not near as bad as some parts of the country, but when you're trying to sell something noone wants to buy, it can make life rather difficult.

We did eventually buy a house on the northeast side, which puts my commute at just over 15 miles. Beats the hell out of a 34 mile each way commute. The house we were going to buy was built by Kimball Hill, and they are a good builder. If you ever decide to buy a Kimball Hill home, see if a guy by the name of Jose Cavazos is still working with them. Last I knew he was at Lakes of Bridgewater off Mason Road in Katy. The house we ended up buying was built by David Weekley, another very good builder. The floorplan we chose had everything we wanted: covered porches front & back, study, open...it was an inventory home, so we got it at a good price too. I'll have to post some pics of it sometime. But with buying a new home comes decorating, and that tends to be a pain in the ass as well as the wallet.

My boy is getting huge, and speaking more clearly now, both in English and Spanish. He can count to 10, knows letters and is learning his colors. And he's not even 3 yet. And, like daddy, loves to fish. He has a couple of motorized fishing games and when he catches one will say, "Daddy, look...I caught a fish!" I'll have to post some more photos of him soon too.

My paternal grandfather passed away earlier this year. His death hit me particularly hard because I was rather close to him. I've been in a funk since I found out he was diagnosed with colon cancer, and when he passed away it got worse. I'll probably delve into that more some other time, just because it'll probably be a huge post.

I talked before about changing jobs, and I did. I was offered a position at a different agency for more pay, and the people where I was couldn't match the offer. I miss working with some of the guys over there, but I like the people I work with now too. The majority of us like to fish, and we get along well so there are relatively few problems. Every once in a while tempers can flare, or somebody feels like someone else pissed in their Wheaties, but everything is smoothed out a little while later and we're back to cutting up. The last two jobs I've worked at have been great. I worked at a privately owned company when I lived in Illinois, and that place felt like hell on earth. My friend Doug stayed on with them for about a year and a half after I left, and he moved on elsewhere. I guess he finally got tired of the mangement's bullshit too.

That's about it for now. I'll expand on some of this later and may open a few new cans of worms as well.

Don't use Xoom.com

I'm back, bitches!! Good gawd, it's been over 2 years since my last post. Not that I've had nothing to bitch about, just either been extremely busy or lack of enthusiasm. But I'm irritable as hell today, and I get home to hear my wife complaining about these assholes.

Xoom.com. Supposed to be a money sending service, like Western Union...only cheaper. Here's another example of "you get what you pay for". Shitty customer service and incompetent assholes answering the phones. Perfect example: My wife sends money back to her mom in Colombia for her birthday. She sends it in her aunt's name. Aunt has an issue with her gov't issued ID, since she has a temporary while she's awaiting the arrival of the actual ID. Kinda like what they give you at the DMV/DPS when you make changes to your Driver's License. Wife calls Xoom's customer service and she tries to change the payee name. The incompetent fuck on the other end says she can't do that, only they can. She says fine, change it. To which he replies, we can't. Then he offers her the option of cancelling. She says fine. It isn't until after he cancels the transaction that he informs her that it will be 5-10 business days until the money is credited back into her account. You gotta be fucking kidding me. Which is exactly what I said to the dumb bitch that told me it would be 10 days to return the money to my wife's checking account when I called them to find out wtf the deal was. She got all indignant, and told me not to use profanity. I asked for the supervisor, to which she said she was the supervisor. Good, I'll make sure my wife never uses your shitty service again and I'll make sure I tell everyone I know not to use it either, thank you very little. then I hung up on the bitch.

So in a few words: Fuck Xoom.com.

You motherfuckers will never see another red cent of my money. And if you were the last money sending service on earth, I'd make sure to walk the shit down myself before I'd use your service. I'm half tempted to call back and see if the next assclown that answers the phone is a supervisor too.