Over the course of the last couple of months we've heard such wisdom come spewing forth from his suckmuscle such as:
"[Israel] must be wiped off the map."
"The Holocaust is a myth."
"The 'tumour' of the state of Israel should be relocated to Europe."
"Germany and Austria can provide the... regime with two or three provinces for this regime to establish itself, and the issue will be resolved."
"We are not allowed to negotiate on the principle of having peaceful nuclear technology."
First off, I don't think you crazy fuckers should be allowed nuclear weapons, given your propensity to blow shit up first and ask questions later. Secondly, Jews have been in that region for around 3,000 years, and they deserve to remain in the same lands that their ancestors dwelled in. From the intellectualconservative.com:
Israel has advanced a coherent case, based upon the precepts of international law, for sovereignty over Jerusalem. The Palestinians, for their part, have failed to offer any legal grounds in support of their claim to the city. Their claim seems to be based solely on their desire to possess it.
Before the advent of Islam, the Jews and Arabs lived together in the region in peace, fighting the Romans and the Christians who invaded the area. The only reason that Arabs hate the Jews is due to the perversion of Islam by the corrupt Imams that wish to rule the world under a caliphate with an iron fist. They even go so far as to divide the world into two houses, the "house of peace" and the "house of war". The house of peace is the rule of Islam under Sharia law, where the kaffir's (non-believer) fate is death, enslavement or exile.
Now, his new interest is debunking the "myth" of the Holocaust, and Iran will host a convention for the "scientific examination" of the wholesale slaughter of Jews during World War II. I'm sure there will plenty of Anti-Jewish rhetoric to be flying around, considering the mindset of the "scholars" that will be in attendance. Likely those who already deny the Holocaust. Tell you what...why don't you hateful bastards invite some of the WWII veterans who liberated Aushwitz, Buchenwald and the rest, and have them give their detailed accounts of the atrocious conditions and the horrors that they encountered? Or why not invite some of the Holocaust survivors to speak? Or would that not be conducive to furthering your agenda for the eradication of Israel? Did you know the UN also had a hand in the creation of Israel?
"The Holocaust denial by the regime in Iran is not only offensive and racist but it also demonstrates the mindset of the extremist regime in Tehran. The combination of an extremist ideology, a distorted view of reality together with nuclear weapons is a combination that should concern every thinking individual."-- Mark Regev, Spokesman of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"Iran is proving yet again what an extreme, fundamentalist, lunatic regime it is," -- Dan Gillerman, Israel's Ambassador to the UN.
Oh, and let's not forget when buttboy addressed the UN. Oh, now this is rich. So he's not just an asshole, but a total religious loony too. This just lumped you in with the likes of Pat Robertson, you Qu'ran thumping dipshit. Everybody was staring at you because they couldn't believe what a chode you really are. You just showed your true colors, dickweed. Now we know...and knowing is half the battle. This nutsack shouldn't have his finger on the fuckin' button. He seriously thinks he's the catalyst to bring about Judgement Day, the Second Coming, or whatever you want to call it.
Finally, we have this from Daniel Pipes. "The most dangerous leaders in modern history are those (such as Hitler) equipped with a totalitarian ideology and a mystical belief in their own mission. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fulfills both these criteria, as revealed by his U.N. comments. That combined with his expected nuclear arsenal make him an adversary who must be stopped, and urgently."