In response to the "A Day without Gringos" boycott on the annual communist celebration day of May 1st (May Day), I have elected to boycott Mexican goods and services for the month of May. Although I am considered a "gringo" by most Hispanics, and have even referred to myself as such, that does not change the high degree of offensiveness that I felt from the idea of such a thing. Especially coming from a group that, for the most part, shouldn't even be here.
So for the month of May I shall boycott any and all things Mexican. No produce, no beer, no going to Mexican restaurants or any places that I know willingly hire illegal aliens to work there.
And I'll be boycotting Stinko de Mayo as well. I really don't think we as Americans should celebrate a day where the Mexicans defeated the French (Battle of Puebla, 1862). Even though it was probably the last time the Mexicans defeated anybody. Fuck 'em.