I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm all for free speech and dissent, no problem. However comma there is a time when your opinions should be stifled and that time comes when you're on the job. If someone else pays your salary, then you are entitled to absolutely nothing, save to STFU and do your job. Even more so when the taxpayers' dollar funds your paycheck.
Just for the record, Jay Bennish's comments were made while teaching a Geography class. Not Social Studies, not History, not Government and not Current Events. Geography. That means you teach the kids where stuff is located in the world, not your fucking opinion about how the country is run. Why not save that until after school? At least then you're not trying to indoctrinate today's youth with your communist attitude while the people who actually work pay your wages, asshole. No wonder these kids come out of high school dumber than dirt. You can't even teach the class you were charged with. And look at that photo...that's a pedo-smile* if I ever saw one.
My opinion...he should be fired. Same thing would happen to me if I started spouting off political rhetoric while I was on the job. If I was a parent of a child at this school, that would be a goal. If not possible (because you know the NEA and ACLU will probably be all over this like flies on shit...and of course on the wrong side of it too), pull your kid from the school. Or at the very least make damn sure your kid doesn't take any more classes with Mr. Moonbat. Ever.
*All thanks, hail and praises to Maddox for that one.