Who the fuck do you think you are?! And, god forbid, if you do get elected, will our government actually become the "Nanny State" that you
And if you want to bitch about oil consumption and cost, well, you can shift the blame for that clusterfuck on your Dhimmi-cratic elected officials, since they have rejected ideas for reducing our dependence on foreign oil by drilling in ANWR and off the coasts, and for not allowing any more refineries or nuclear plants to be built. Instead they want to increase the taxes on the folks who refine the oil. Now, I didn't do so hot in Economics class in high school, but businesses aren't in business to give away profits in the form of taxes, so they're going to tack on extra "surcharges" into their prices. And who is going to have to pay that? Oh, yeah...you and me, kids. They might as well pass out condoms at the gas station. Hell the way it's going politically in this country, they may as well give you a condom when you hit the voting booth. 'Cause we're going to be getting a royal fucking either way we go.
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