But now we've got one of them showing their true colors even before the election has officially begun. And that color, my friends, is RED. A true socialist, talking about redistribution of wealth, trying to make it sound like it's what's best for the country. So you're going to hand out MORE "entitlements"? A proven foible of socialism and communism, is that when you take from the producer and give it to the non-producer, it diminishes the desire of the producer to keep producing. In the end, the producer gives up and says, "Fuck it...I get the same no matter what, so I might as well be a lazy fuck too!" So you're planning to not only raise the taxes on the "rich"(who pay an assload of taxes already), but you'll also be raising the taxes on the "middle class" in order to make sure that the lazy, shiftless assholes who don't wanna work don't have to get off their asses and find a job?
Don't get me wrong. I believe in the Social Security and Medicare programs. The people who are eligible for these benefits should receive them. After all, the majority of the people who receive them have worked all their lives and paid for it. Even the housewives who stayed at home while hubby was at work. They've paid their dues too. What I don't agree with is Medicaid. There needs to be some major review and reform in this department. If a family is truly poor, but at least trying to make it, then I can see them receiving this help. Notice I didn't say "entitlement". Remember, kiddies, welfare was supposed to be "a hand up, not a hand-out".
All of the illegals receiving benefits from social programs...sorry, you've been cut off. Oh, and a team of ICE agents is on their way to pick you up. Don't these programs have something called eligibility requirements? How's about making a fucking greencard a requirement? Or how about if you don't have a bona fide medical condition that prevents you from working, go out and get a motherfuckin' job and be a productive member of society like the rest of us. And I know the fed doesn't run all of the social programs. Some of those are run by the state, and are administered by the fed (like the Food Stamp program). Don't let me get started talking about SCHIP. Basically if you're like that asshole in Maryland that had too many kids and was bitching about how much it'll cost him to insure all of them...well, maybe you should've had less kids.
Back in the day, people had a whole bunch of kids mainly because they were farmers and the kids would help them work the land. My maternal grandfather was one of 13. They didn't latch onto the gummint tit because they couldn't afford if one of their kids got sick. They worked harder, paid it off and didn't whine about it. This is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. I don't see anything in there about a government that caters to the people because they're stupid and irresponsible.
And just when you didn't think it could get any worse...it does.
He's going to turn the whole country into another Chicago. I fucking HATE Chicago. I heard him speak about Chicago in one of his stump speeches. Chicago is a shithole, you fuckin' liar. Not to mention, outside of your pointy-headed little view (just like your buddy Rod Blagojevich), Chicago is not the whole fucking state of Illinois, you dickweed. I grew up in Smalltown, Illinois. Chicago takes up about 10% of the state when you include all of "Chicagoland". What about the rest of the state?
Aww, fuck him. Much to my chagrin, he'll probably get elected. By hook or by crook, I'm sure. There'll be plenty of
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