Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Do you hear bells?

'Cause somebody just got schooled...

That's right, today I was in class for RF Site Safety Awareness training. Basically a review of what to do and what not to do concerning RF safety and signage. Sounds exciting right? Really it wasn't that bad. Interesting stuff for those in the same career field as I. The class was held by a company called RSI, and the instructor's name was Steve and he's pretty charismatic. All in all, I learned quite a bit. I learned that I have a lot of work ahead of me as I try to make the changes I think should be made to this department so it's where I think it should be with respect to radio standards. Only bad thing is that I have a ton of other projects ahead of me. Maybe I'll put it down as one of my goals for the next fiscal year.

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