No wonder people view Arabs as nothing better than animals. Then again, animals aren't that base. At least animals have common sense. Yeah, I'm posting them too. Don't like it? I got two words for you. Fuck. You. So go on, keep chanting "Death to [insert country du jour here]", burning flags, ransacking businesses, threatening people's lives and boycotting products. Maybe when you fuckers have nothing left to eat but sand you'll finally turn on the radical imams (you know, the bastards who have hijacked, perverted and made a laughingstock of your religion, while treating you like mushrooms...keeping you in the dark, feeding you shit). But I doubt it. They'll probably say something like "it's the will of Allah that you suffer," and you'll soak it up like a sponge. Meanwhile, they're living high on the hog. Even the Arab news has written an article about how sad the Arabs have become. No wonder the world sees the Middle East as the producer of only two things: oil and suicide bombers.
Thanks to James Joyner for the cartoons.
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